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19th Mar 2022 - 27th Mar 2022

Pentas 2, klpac

Presented by The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat

Artistic Director Joe Hasham OAM
Executive Director Dato' Dr. Faridah Merican
Director Joe Hasham OAM
Actors Ruby Faye 狄妃, Aki 陈玤妤, John Tan 陈浚, Tan Li Yang 陈立扬, Amelia Chen 曾帤惠, Freddy Tan 陈风励, Dylan Yeo 杨宏强, Yu Huan 陈语欢, Dennis Lee 李浩峰, Toh Shir Ling 杜雪菱, Hendrix Heng 王子航, Joven Leong 梁兆雯
Musicians Coebar Abel, Jacqueline Teng 邓絜予, Toh Shir Ling 杜雪菱
Date & Time

19 Mar, 22 – 26 Mar 2022 @ 8pm
20 & 27 Mar 2022 @ 3pm


RM80 flat

A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams’ iconic award winning play, was first produced in 1947 and was later made into an Academy award-winning film.

It describes the decline and fall of a fading Southern Belle, Blanche Dubois, who leaves behind a privileged background and moves into a shabby New Orleans apartment with her younger sister, Stella. The main themes of the play are loneliness, frustration and the desperate need for communication by people who are society’s misfits.

After playing Stanley in a 1969 production at the National Theatre in Perth, Australia, director Joe Hasham went on to direct a critically-acclaimed staging for The Actors Studio in 1993 which sold out even before opening night. He made waves again with a bold dance drama adaptation of the play in 2014 which starred two Japanese prima ballerinas.

He will now be directing a Mandarin adaptation of the Pulitzer Prize-winning play featuring an A list team of actors including Ruby Faye, Aki, John Tan, Tan Li Yang and more.

** Advisory: The show contains mature content, smoking on stage, and depictions of physical and sexual violence.

由艺人馆全民剧场呈献,祖·哈山(Joe Hasham OAM)将执导美国剧作家田纳西·威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)经典作品《欲望号街车》中文版,演出将于2022年3月19日至27日假吉隆坡表演艺术中心贰剧场上演。

美国剧作家田纳西·威廉斯(Tennessee Williams)是20世纪重要的剧作家之一,其舞台剧本《欲望号街车》首演于1947年,并一举斩获当年的普利策(Pulitzer Prize)、纽约戏剧评论奖等戏剧大奖。后来改编成电影版的《欲望号街车》也深受好评,狂揽奥斯卡包括最佳电影在内的多项提名。




《欲望号街车》全剧以中文演出,附英文字幕。欲知演出详情,欢迎WhatsApp联系0182277212或可浏览官网 及购票网址 。观众严禁在票务柜台购票,观众皆凭电子票入场。

** 本演出含成人情节、吸烟场面、肢体及性暴力情景。